The Hazardous Paint Certification class is required of anyone who is designated a commercial painter or does 48 hours of preparation, painting and cleanup in a month with non water based paint. The initial class requires 2 days of training and is good for 3 years.
Every 3 years you are required to take a one day refresher class.
Pricing for New Certifications:
For Anchorage and MatSu Valley: $1,000.00 and $25 per student for materials.
On the road system in Alaska: $1,200.00 and $25 per student for materials.
Off the road system: $1,200.00 plus travel expenses and $25 per student for materials.
Pricing for Refreshers:
For Anchorage, Wasilla and MatSu Valley: $500.00 and $25 per student for materials.
On the road system in Alaska: $600.00 and $25 per student for materials.
Off the road system: $600.00 plus travel expenses and $25 per student for materials.
Mike R. Mark-Anthony, P.E.
Training Address: 778 E Schwald Dr. Wasilla Alaska 99654 Mailing Address: 785 E. Schwald Rd, Wasilla, Alaska 99654
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